- What has been the average annual temperature in recent years?
- What types of (and how many) environmental crimes are committed in Belgium?
- How have the surface areas for the various land-use categories changed over time within the regional land-use plans?
Answers to these and other questions can be found in the statistics on environment and related issues.
The "Environnement" (Environment) section deals with a variety of issues relating to this topic (French-Dutch). The sources of the data are equally diverse: some are collected by the Directorate-General for Statistics and Economic Information (DGSEI), some come from the regions, some from Europe and some from other international, federal and regional institutions.
The website of the Walloon Institute for Evaluation, Prospective and Statistics (IWEPS) publishes statistics on the environment (French) in Wallonia.
The Brussels-Capital Region website features statistics about the following environment-related subjects (French-Dutch):
The Research Centre of the Flemish Government website contains various statistics relating to the environment (Dutch): (policy areas) energy, environment & nature, monuments and landscapes, countryside and spatial planning.