When creating an enterprise, it is important to evaluate your starting point. Individual situations might have different challenges and opportunities. For example, being able to start an enterprise as a student, or keeping your unemployment benefits while developing your business idea and setting up your enterprise.
Starting while holding down a job (secondary occupation)
More information on how to start an enterprise as a secondary occupation while holding down a job.
Starting while on unemployment benefit
More information on how to start an enterprise while on unemployment benefit (FR).
Starting from an incapacity/disability benefit
- Disability benefit in Flanders (NL)
- Disability benefit in Brussels
- Disability benefit in Wallonia (FR)
Starting as assisting spouse
More information on how to become the assisting spouse of a self-employed person.
Starting as a student entrepreneur
- Student entrepreneur in Flanders (NL)
- Student entrepreneur in Brussels
- Student entrepreneur in Wallonia (FR)
More information about the social status of the self-employed.