New promotional film for Belgium

The Chancellery of the Prime Minister released a new version of the promotional film "Belgium… beyond expectations" today. This film, which is intended to promote Belgium abroad, was produced in close cooperation with FPS Foreign Affairs and FPS Economy. There are two versions of the film: one for the general public (duration: 4'51") and one for the businesspeople who interact with various sectors of the Belgian economy (duration: 6'08").

The film for the general public concentrates on the cultural diversity and art of living that characterise Belgium and the Belgian people.

The film for businesspeople highlights the key strengths that make Belgium attractive to foreign investors and on the external markets, with a special focus on the following attributes:

  • an open economy in a strategic position at the heart of the European Union;
  • an innovative country that fosters expertise and invests in research and development;
  • a country that is a great place to live!

The two films are available in six languages: English, French, Dutch, German, Chinese and Spanish. The film can be used by any person or organisation looking for a dynamic way to present Belgium abroad. It will also be shown on some international Brussels Airlines flights to and from Belgium.

For more information:

Isabelle Meulemans, Image of Belgium Unit
FPS Chancellery of the Prime Minister – DG External Communication
16 rue de la Loi – 1000 Brussels
Tel.: + 32 (0)2 501 02 14

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