
Economy is a broad topic for which an abundance of data exists. The links below will help to answer the following questions, among others:

  • What is the trend for the prices of goods and services included in the consumer price index? 
  • What is the trend for economic indicators such as labour costs, turnover, capital expenditure, output prices, workforce, etc. ? 
  • What are the figures for companies subject to VAT in Belgium?

Among the economic statistics published on the website of the Directorate-General for Statistics and Economic Information (ADSEI), the first two sub-topics are consumer prices and economic indicators.
The companies section (French-Dutch) is divided into three sub-sections: the life of companies, structural data about companies  and companies’ use of ICT.
There are also a number of useful statistics about the industrial and building sector and the agricultural sector.

The website of the Walloon Institute for Evaluation, Prospective and Statistics (IWEPS) (French) contains statistics on:

The section entitled "La Wallonie en bref" also includes a table of statistics about companies.

The economic statistics produced by the Brussels-Capital Region include data on public finances and production and companies (both French-Dutch).

The Research Centre of the Flemish Government provides statistics about the economy in the following policy areas (Dutch): foreign  trade, economy, finance and budget, agriculture, development cooperation and urban policy.