Registering your enterprise in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises and obtaining your company number is one of the most important steps in the process.
Sole proprietorship
Go to an accredited business counter for your registration in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises. They will ask you for the NACE codes that define the economic activities of your business since they are used by the acredited business counter to register you as a sole proprietor.
Once your enterprise has been registered, you will receive your 10-digit company number.
1. Request bank certificate
You must request a bank certificate for the NV (starting capital requirement) and for the BV and CV (sufficient capital). In this certificate, the financial institution confirms that you have deposited the required amount into a current account in the name of the company.
2. Draft the articles of association
- Identity of the founders
- Name and purpose of the company
- Regulation of the general meetings
- Other rules that will apply in the company
3. Draw the deed of incorporation
The first obligation is the written deed of incorporation. It contains the articles of association of the company, with all its characteristics (name, registered office, purpose, capital, if applicable, ...) and its operating rules.
- For limited liability companies (PLC,LTD, SCOP) which require an authentic/notarial deed, the procedure for drawing up the authentic deed of incorporation takes place via a civil-law notary. The cost depends on the complexity of the deed.
- For unlimited liability companies (general and limited partnership), which require a private deed, the private deed is a written agreement drawn up by the parties themselves or by third parties. This agreement must be signed by the parties.
4. File the deed of incorporation
The notary will file the deed at the competent Business Court.
The deed of incorporation must be deposited with the clerk of the competent Business Court. You have 30 days to do so.
For limited liability companies (PLC,LTD, SCOP), the civil-law notary takes care of the filing. The authentic deed is included in the register of legal entities and there are two ways to file the deed:
- Physical registration via a civil-law notary
- Online in
For unlimited liability companies (general and limited partnership), the private deed must be filed by the partners in one of these three ways:
- Online on eGRIFFIE (FR)
- Physical deposit with a clerk of the competent Business Court
- Via a accredited business counter
5. Register the deed of incorporation
The deed of incorporation of a company must be registered at the registry office of the FPS Finance (Administration of the Cadaster, Registration and Domains) to charge a registration tax (fiscal). You must pay registration fees for this.
For limited liability companies (PLC, LTC, SCOP), the registration at FPS Finance must be done by the civil-law notary within 15 days.
- Physical registration via a civil-law notary
- Online in
For unlimited liability companies (general and limited partnership) , the partners must do so within four months of the partnership with legal personality.
6. Register the beneficial owners of your company in the UBO register
The UBO register is a register in which all “Ultimate Beneficial Owners” of a company, a non-profit association or another legal entity are registered.
A beneficial owner refers to the natural person(s) who ultimately own(s) or control(s) an entity.
The legal representatives have 30 days starting from the creation of the entity to register through the MyMinfin portal.
Non-profit organization
The process to register a non-profit organization such as VZW or IVZW can be found on the FPS Justice website (FR).
Foreign companie
In addition to setting up a subsidiary, a foreign company may develop its activities in Belgium by opening a branch
- online (fr) with eID authentication
- by physically filing (fr) the documents with the Court Office of a Business Court
More information about the Belgian code for Companies and Associations (FR)