Doing business in Belgium
The .be Internet domain numbers over 1,200 official administrative websites, representing many institutions at all levels of power. These sites contain a host of practical details, transaction-based services, downloadable publications, points of contact and videos. In Belgium, competences for economic matters, foreign trade, employment and administrative simplification are shared between various authorities at a number of levels of power.
The Services Directive came into force in the Member States of the European Union on 1 January 2010. The directive, which relates to freedom of establishment for service providers and free movement of services in the internal market, aims to make things easier for businesses that provide or use services in the European Union. It is against this backdrop that the site has been developed. As well as providing a central repository of all business-relevant information in Belgium, it features a search engine for looking up administrative procedures relating to setting up or developing a business here.
The information is published and updated in close cooperation with the various levels of power concerned.
Investing in Belgium
Besides practical details about administrative procedures, the site provides general economic data about Belgium, as well as a range of information about investment opportunities and the strengths of Belgium and its three regions.
The website offers simple, quick and user-friendly access to a wealth of public service information for businesses. It aims to help business players, both in Belgium and elsewhere in Europe, to find useful information about the administrative procedures involved in setting up or developing their business.