Traffic and transport

All available statistics about traffic and transport in Belgium are mentioned below. They will answers such questions as:

  • How many vehicles were there in Belgium last year (an overview of all motorised vehicles registered  in Belgium as at 1 August)? 
  • How many traffic accidents occurred in Belgium last year? 
  • How many people used public transport in Belgium in the past few years?

As regards traffic, FPS Economy’s Directorate-General for Statistics and Economic Information regularly publishes data about traffic accidents, the total number of motor vehicles on the road in Belgium and the number of new and second-hand motor vehicles registered in Belgium over a particular period (French-Dutch).

As regards transport, the DGSEI keeps data on freight and/or passenger transport by road, inland and maritime navigation, rail and air (French-Dutch).

A table of transport statistics (French) is available on the website of the Walloon Institute for Evaluation, Prospective and Statistics (IWEPS) under "La Wallonie en bref", sub-section "Territoire".

On the Brussels-Capital Region website you will find a "Transport" section providing data on motor vehicles and passenger and freight transport (French-Dutch).

On its website, the Research Centre of the Flemish Government publishes data on mobility (policy area: mobility) (Dutch) covering accessibility, infrastructure, liveability, environment, road safety, means of transport, transport services and ports.